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Jonathon Street,

Sloane Street Ltd
Jonathon Street
Masterplan, urban design assessment and planning to support resource consent application for 73 new dwellings.

The Jonathon Street site is a uniquely positioned site in Brookfield, Tauranga suitable for comprehensive development as it is adjacent to a well-kept reserve and school and within walking distance to the neighbourhood shops. However, the sites topographical constraints have required extensive site works to enable higher dwelling densities.

However, the sitesSaddleback has been involved in a collaborative design process, coordinating with the civil and geotechnical engineers to devise a retaining scheme and a comprehensive stormwater management strategy to maximise residential yield on site.

Through this iterative process the project team has optimised site and dwelling designs to achieve a greater density than might otherwise be expected on a site of this kind. This work has all been in support of Land use and Subdivision Resource Consent Application for a 73-dwelling development.

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