Flints Park,
Glenpanel LP

Masterplan and urban design assessment to support COVID fast-track application for approximately 380 new dwellings.
The Flints Park site sits in the Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile urban expansion corridor to the east of Queenstown. Saddleback were engaged to provide a Masterplan, Design Guidelines, and Urban Design Assessment in support of an application for upwards of 380 new dwellings under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act (2020).
Key challenges include achieving a well-functioning medium density development while maintaining a spacious and landscaped character. The proposal addressing the outstanding natural landscapes of Slope Hill to the north, integrates development with the historic Glenpanel Homestead, and is future-proofed to integrate well into future development within the Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile development area.