BeachGrove Expansion,
Momentum Land Ltd

Masterplan and urban design assessment. To support resource consent application for approximately 500 new dwellings and 300-unit retirement village.
Saddleback have provided Urban Design services in support of a Resource Consent application for BeachGrove Southern Expansion and in support of a sought Plan Change for BeachGrove Northern Expansion. Saddleback have also supported submissions on Variation 1 of the Waimakariri District Plan.
The project team have created a masterplan to support the sought Plan Change to medium density and a Developers Approval Guide to give certainty of outcomes. The team have worked collaboratively on development options and dwelling standards testing with Waimakariri District Council on achieving good outcomes for the community and the developers.
Given the greenfield nature of the site, key project objectives were integrating the new development into the existing transport and infrastructure networks and enabling connections to the future urban area to the north, while creating a defensible urban boundary were the site meets rural land to the east.